Fascial Integration & Myofascial Release Therapy at PRE Therapy
When it comes to tension, many often think of muscle tension. However, did you know that there is a web-like structure wrapped around all of our muscles? This structure is called the fascial layer and dramatically contributes to muscle restrictions but is often left unassessed. As a result, the tension in this myofascial tissue layer can develop, anchoring onto the deeper structures below.
Through a systematic massage and stretch approach, a massage therapist practitioner can manipulate the fascial layer and surrounding connective tissues in specific vectors to alleviate tension restricting movement. Once the restricted areas are released, it will allow the body to sit in an optimal position, enabling proper muscle contraction and full range of motion.
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+ What is Fascial Integration or Myofascial Release?
Fascial integration is a manual therapy approach that targets the fascial layer of the body. A myofascial release specialist will apply light manual pressure to the muscle or joint area that feels sore.
+ How does PRE Therapy do Fascial Integration in a unique and different way?
This treatment style uses skin-on-skin contact or a very light layer of lotion, allowing the practitioner to identify the myofascial trigger points and manipulate the fascia applying gentle pressure in the direction of restriction.
+ What is the PRE Therapy clinic experience like?
This style of therapy session uses skin-on-skin contact in athletic wear. However, fascial integration can also be performed in combination with traditional Swedish massage therapy to allow the myofascial release technique to be as effective as possible.
+ Does myofascial release work hurt?
This can vary per individual. The therapist will utilize a pain scale throughout the treatment. Still, it is recommended that patients actively communicate with the therapist during the treatment to ensure they are not in excessive pain during this hands-on technique.
+ What are the benefits of Fascial Integration?
Treating the fascial system can allow deeper structures (including the muscles) to glide and slide more efficiently. Therefore, it alleviates unnecessary strain on neighbouring structures, ultimately relieving pain.
+ Who is Fascial Integration for?
Fascial integration and myofascial release is highly effective for anyone sedentary or active. When you are inactive, the fascial layer will often adapt by anchoring onto deeper structures to create stability. For those active individuals, the fascial layer will often adapt by creating tension in that line of movement, which can naturally force the affected areas to shorten over time causing you to feel stiff. Seeing a myofascial release specialist can sometimes help relieve chronic pain associated with this kind of muscle function often referred to as myofascial pain syndrome.
Fascial Integration Therapy Therapists at PRE Therapy