Kyle is born and raised in Burnaby and an avid gym trainer that participates in a vast variety of sports including soccer, mountain biking and skiing. This has given him the passion to continuing his learning of the human body at West Coast College of Massage Therapy, where he has gained experience in treating different injuries relating to soft tissue, neurological conditions, and common postural dysfunctions.
Kyle's treatments consists of trigger point release, fascial work, Swedish massage, and movement rehabilitative exercises. After each treatment, Kyle prescribes specific home care, which will include a stretch, release, or strengthening exercises to maximize each treatment. Whether you are looking for injury rehabilitation, or simply maintenance work, Kyle will be able to help you transition back into your lifestyle, pain-free.
- Functional patterns
- Anatomy trains fascial release
Special interests
- Working with runners - Working with bikers - Working with sport related injuries - Working with biomechanics/ mvmt coaching
- English
Personal touch
- Loves hybrid training , running, biking and weight lifting - Passion for creating social content - Cinic instructor WCCMT - Hair barber